Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The fibre is also known as pashm or pashmina for its use in the handmade shawls of Himalayas. The woollen shawls made from wool in Kashmir find written mention in Indian texts between 3rd century BC and the 11th century AD. However, the founder of the cashmere wool industry is traditionally held to be the 15th century ruler of Kashmir, Zayn-ul-Abidin, who introduced weavers from Central Asia.

Pashmina goats, LadakhCashmere shawls have been manufactured in Nepal and Kashmir for thousands of years. The test for a quality pashmina is warmth and feel. Pashmina and Cashmere and derived from same mountain goats. One distinct difference between Pashmina and Cashmere is the micron size. Pashmina fibers are finer and thinner than cashmere fiber, therefore, it is ideal for making light weight apparel like fine scarves. However, these days the word pashmina has been used too liberally and any scarves made from natural or synthetic fiber are sold as Pashmina creating confusion in the market.
Normally mountain goat CHYANGRA is found at altitude over 9,000 ft. And during summer it climbs even higher. It is however thought that pashmina is finest if the animal inhabits above 14,000 ft. . For a thousand years or more, this glorious wool has been prized for its warmth, lightness and durability. For lightness and warmth pashmina wool is unmatched. Delicate and soft to touch it caresses the skin.

CHYANGRA, the mountain goat , raw material for Pashmina
Actually pashmina protects the goat against adverse weather condition around its habitat. As pashmina retains ample heat it protects the animal all the year round from severe cold and fierce blitz occurring frequently in the high mountains. Normally mountain goat CHYANGRA is found at altitude over 9,000 ft. And during summer it climbs even higher. It is however thought that pashmina is finest if the animal inhabits above 14,000 ft. . For a thousand years or more, this glorious wool has been prized for its warmth, lightness and durability. For lightness and warmth pashmina wool is unmatched. Delicate and soft to touch it caresses the skin.

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